Friday, December 19, 2008

The Big Reveal!

Okay, so all of one person follows this blog so far and she already knows who I am, but what is a blog if not the illusion that someone is listening and cares?

I started this blog with the vague thought that writing about this profession--this demanding, exhilarating, highly personal profession--might be easier under the guise of something very far from myself. When my roommate bought me a stuffed sheep for an early Hannukah present, I figured it was as good a persona as any.

However, in a profession such as this which becomes so much a part of personal identity, putting something else in between you and I just blocks the entire purpose of this blog. There are many blogs about opera. Most of the blogs about the business we read because they talk like they have things all figured out, from both sides of the table. But I realized as I read all these blogs that something was missing.

It was missing my perspective. It was missing an underdog. There are so many blogs and websites and forums that you can go to if you want people to tell you what to do, but when a person is searching for real honesty it can be hard to find. Most blogs are hidden beneath a professional veneer that in some ways is as fake as a talking stuffed animal. I haven't been able to find a one yet that speaks really honestly about the things that I care about.

So this is my contribution to the blog world. My little corner of the internet will be reserved for honesty.


I guess that means it's time for a real introduction. I'm a coloratura soprano (but aren't we all!) just about to graduate from an MM program in a major city in the Northeast. In my day I've had monikers like "The Queen" and "The Diva" but these days I think I'd like to try on something a little more modest.

You can call me Smoofie.

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